Supporting the work of St Nicholas Buccleuch Parish Church
St Nicholas Buccleuch Parish Church relies entirely on donations to cover its costs and fund its work.
If you would like to make a donation online, please click the blue "Donate to St Nicholas Buccleuch" button to use the Church of Scotland's online donation service to support St Nicholas Buccleuch. That will take you to the Church of Scotland's donation page where you will need to follow the instructions below:
If you would like to make a donation online, please click the blue "Donate to St Nicholas Buccleuch" button to use the Church of Scotland's online donation service to support St Nicholas Buccleuch. That will take you to the Church of Scotland's donation page where you will need to follow the instructions below:
In Step 1, Donate to a congregation should already be selected. If not, select it. Dalkeith St Nicholas Buccleuch should appear in this text box. If not, please type it in. In Step 2, choose whether you want to Gift Aid your donation. If you do, fill in your details here. In Step 3, press the red Donate button to donate through your PayPal account or with a bank card. On the next screen, choose your donation amount, whether you want to make a monthly donation and your preferred method of payment. |
Alternatively, you can send a cheque, payable to St Nicholas Buccleuch Parish Church, Dalkeith to
St Nicholas Buccleuch Parish Church
119 High Street
EH22 1AX
If you are a UK tax payer and are happy for St Nicholas Buccleuch to reclaim the tax paid on your donation, please include your name, address and telephone number. This information will never be passed to any third party.
Alternatively, you can donate by bank transfer. Please use the contact form to ask for the account number and sort code.
Any gift will be gratefully received.
Thank you.